thats what I'm saying yes I do not get the signal, I get a tiny signal mared by the scopes own noise because the signal is so small
Well, that's not proper at all.
if I pull the plug about I get flickers of the signal, nice and big, it jumps up and down in amplitude as I fiddle with the plug.
When you say "plug", do you mean the BNC connectors on the probe inputs? Those should be attached pretty solidly to the chassis. I hope you don't mean that wiggling the BNC jacks has any effect at all on the signals that are displayed? Or did you take it apart and remove the retaining nuts, and forget to put them back on securely?
Or do you mean the Cal output fingers? I really can't tell for sure what you're talking about. I was just noticing from the pictures that Dynomo posted a short time ago, that the Cal outputs come though a slot in the metal chassis, and don't seem to have any insulation around them. So if they were bent too far to the left or right, they'd short out against the chassis.
surely if I had shorted the calibration output which I'm sure I have not done it would give me nothing at all ?
Not necessarily true. You can short out a driver, and break down the junction, and have vastly reduced output voltage levels. But then they wouldn't go back up again.
- Mark