Look for horticulture lighting strips instead, head on over to Cutter in Australia to see what they have. I am very partial to the
Nichia Optisolis 757 series linked here. Getting completed strips from Cutter is probably the way to go, because you won't be saving much money if any if you get the bare boards from them and the emitters from somewhere else.
I absolutely despise vendors who don't disclose the LED used, especially the tint and flux bin. A really general rule of thumb is that higher flux bins are to be avoided if you have the choice, these tend to be a bit above the black body locus and look disgusting (this is if you're rolling your own, usually there will be data on the strip from the vendor). You can also find special tint bins that are all below the BBL but that's very rare unless you order a reel of thousands.
In particular I prefer a rosy tint (below the black body locus, Duv will be negative). I think there was a study done that shows most people do prefer rosy over green, but of course it's all preference.
I've always wondered why we look back at positive things with rose tinted glasses...and when we're feeling down we're jaded (green). That's some food for thought.
If you want high quality emitters you'll have order all the way from
Indonesia at this store here, the usual component suppliers won't have "the good stuff". As far as I know this seller is one of the only places us mere mortals can get the emitters, the seller is also a nutso torch enthusiast like myself. Bloody COVID-19 means you'll have to get the more expensive shipping option though.
No affiliation with Cutter or Virence, I've just bought stuff from them myself. Cutter can take a while even though they're local in Australia and it might be a couple of weeks until they send the order out. I think my Virence order took about a month or so with normal registered post but this was before all the shipping delays/restrictions.
Attached is proof that I am a nutso, top left is my heavily modified torch for garage use. The bottom two are popular high CRI enthusiast flashlights. Once you go below the black body locus you don't go back.