Under the hood and behind the curtain it's honestly quite frightening how the cloud show is setup.
Leaving the architecture stuff asides, what "cloud" platforms basically are, is a collection of scripts and a database.
The recent terms to become buzzwords highlight this.
SaaS - software as a service
IaaS - Infrastructure as a service
IaC - Infrastructure as code.
"server-less services"
"code-less services"
It's constantly nesting itself inside more and more layers of what are just scripts basically. Take kubernetes for example. It is basically an optimistic goal orientated control loop. Each iteration it looks at the situation, compares it to the script you gave it and makes the next move from A to B to eventually and continuously enforce that infra or set of pods is up.
However, writting the templates and yaml required to set that infra up was tedious, so... they have scripts generate them for them using exotic and fragile template mecahnisms. (like Helm).
All of this then runs on virtualised hosts, VMs of different classes, all dynamically instanciated from "code". So rather than writing 15 yaml files and configuring 15 configuration maps, instead you write a script to generate them all for you. You tell it how many servers, what type, what networking, firewalling, software images etc. etc. It generates all the yaml and yaml templates.
Look I love scripts, I used to love sysVinit and still dont like systemd, but it's not like that. There there was a common language (sh) and a common well define singular platform. Cloud is not like that, it's a sprawling array of different often competing tech.
It just looks like a big mountain of technical debt being driven ahead of the bulldozers of over-sell and under-deliver management.