Author Topic: New Member, Please introduce yourself  (Read 1497628 times)

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Offline radhika

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2475 on: September 17, 2018, 05:43:53 am »
Hello, I am the stubborn girl with revolutionalizing tech dream.

Offline Fred_47

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2476 on: September 20, 2018, 05:50:37 pm »
This is my introductory post to the EEVblog forum. I notice it's somewhat longer than others. Maybe because I'm older than most on this forum.

I am a retired EE (electric power) who has dabbled in electronics since the mid 60's. Textbooks were switching from vacuum tubes to solid state as I was in collage and my employment involved practically nothing under 2300V AC unless it was control circuitry (125VDC) or support equipment (480V AC). I worked on auxiliary system design and large motor application for power plants and was the company's "rotating machinery specialist", i.e., the guy the plant called at 3AM when the generator went boom. (the largest motor I've worked on was rated 261,000HP & the largest generator was 800MVA) The motor was the main machine (there were 2) at a pumped storage hydro station. Motor at nite and generator (220MVA) by day.

I KNOW  what it takes to run a power plant because I've been part of it. Burn 5000 tons of coal a day, get rid of 500 tons of ash (without filling the sky or your room with it), all without blowing the place to kingdom come.

I've built many Heathkit bench gear kits starting with the EK-1 VOM and moving up to the IM-13 VTVM (still in daily use after about 55 years) and winding up with the IO-4235 dual trace scope (still in use after 37 years), a couple signal generators & a counter.

I have a Rigol MSO2102A & DM3068 bought new when my electronics interest reignited a year ago.

I designed and built a digital computer using RTL logic in the early 70's a few years before the Altair. It had a whopping 64 BYTES of memory, I/O was via toggle switches and LEDs. Eventually I built an Altair 8800 kit which was my main computer til the Mac Plus in 1985 IIRC.

I have a flock of old Mac computers, most of which work including this one (a 2.3GHz G5 tower anchor) which is my newest computer. It runs OSX 10.4 because 10.5 breaks too much software. (I'm a Mac fanboy because I never liked MS because of Bill's attitude toward hobbyists when he worked at MITS.)

Lately I've acquired a bunch of old gear from eBay. The list:

2 HP3478A  5 1/2 digit VM

2 HP 3456A 6 1/2 digit VM one of which I repaired failed zener in the inguard PS

1 Fluke 335D voltage standard & null VM (replaced a bunch of caps)

1 HP 6253A dual PS (repaired, failed zener)

1 HP 6642A PS

a couple GR decade boxes, a DP1311 Decapot (Kelvin Varley divider which I'd never heard of til Dave mentioned it) & an ESI D887 Deka box. All seemingly in spec or close enough.

My main interests in electronics are power supplies (usually model RR throttles), repairing (& building) test gear, voltnuttery, test & measurement, digital computers & digital circuitry in general. Most of my hobby work is usually in support of something digital (Arduino these days). I never really understood the pole & zero stuff.

For me, positive current flows from the plus terminal to the minus terminal & we should have never let the physicists name the terminals on a FET.


Never remember anything you can look up. (Einstein)

Groves giveth and Gates taketh away. (?)

Fred Lotte, PE (not current), BEng, MEng
Ohio, USA
Caretaker at Fred's home for retired test gear.

Offline MrMobodies

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2477 on: September 26, 2018, 04:38:54 am »
My name is Richard and I thought I would sign up. I have seen the videos over the years and I am considering Youtube Red as the EEVBLOG channel is becoming so good it will make it worthwhile. I remembered first coming across a video in 2012 of a huge tear down of a hard drive from a bank. I don't often rate videos or subscribe but as it is so good I'll start giving the thumbs up. I like the tear downs, details and the sarcasm.

I would like to go more into electronics by interest and by opportunity there is Dave opening things up and explaining how they work. Most of my questions are eventually answered during a video.

From a 2010 driving video, for me the educational parts are delivered through interest and enthusiasm of the speaker.

I'll have to start donating.

I have some old stuff that are too heavy to send for tear downs so maybe I'll start some threads with pictures of them and the insides.

Many thanks to the patreons for supporting a valuable educational resource made interesting and enjoyable.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 05:17:28 am by MrMobodies »

Offline Alf

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2478 on: September 27, 2018, 02:06:05 pm »
Hi All,

I'm James and I'm an electrical engineer in Newcastle, Australia.

I used to be an electronics technician for 7 years before going to uni, graduating a few years ago.

I do a lot of electronics and PCB design at work and at home and I like Audio Electronics, DSPs, speaker design and microcontrollers. I work on lots of stuff from micros to GPS to Ethernet, power supplies, control and protection systems.

I have been lurking on EEVblog youtube videos for a while and I thought I should get involved. I'm the only electrical guy at work and it would be good to have somewhere to kick ideas around with others with similar interests.

Looking forward to meeting you,


Offline bastiaang

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2479 on: September 27, 2018, 08:15:17 pm »
printf("Hello world");

Bastiaan here, right now studying electrical engineering in Delft.
But I am still a bit new to the world of electronics. Because I have discovered the wonders of electronics four years ago.
As we speak I'm doing my graduation internship. So hopefully at the end of the year I am also a fully functional electrical engineer!  ;)

So right now my step up is a Keysight DSOX1102G and a Hakko fx-888D and I am starting to work on other bench devices (like a LCR measure device, power supply and electronic load).

I'm trying to catch up all the EEVblog video's over the last four years.  :scared:

I hope I can help as many people as people can help me :)

See you around!

Offline Joey Pickles

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2480 on: October 13, 2018, 07:37:31 pm »

I'm Adam. I found my way here after watching a few EEVblog videos on YouTube.

I have an interest in making electronic music so I have decided to build some Eurorack modules from kits. I've learnt a bit from testing and troubleshooting my builds as well as sourcing the components, but I know there is a lot I don't know yet.


Offline spo0ky

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2481 on: October 18, 2018, 07:29:56 pm »
Hello everyone,
  I'm an eevblog addict and I've been binge watching eevblog videos ever since I saw the first teardown.  I'm not an EE by any stretch of the imagination. Although I am a retired hacker.  Not that hackers ever retire but long gone are the hours of looking at terminal windows, pouring over code to tweak it just right. I started watching teardown videos on, his witty titles always know how to draw me in, it was big Clive that introduced me to the eevblog, so you can blame him ;).  I still go on occasional binges of chatting on the good old IRC.  I love Dave's use of Australian (Not Austrian) euphemisms,  like "second suck of the sav".  I wonder what the etymology of that one is, that would make for an interesting video, why do Australians say, "second suck of the save"? Where did that come from?  I'd like to thank Dave for producing some thought provoking videos.

Offline Kazikiel

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2482 on: October 20, 2018, 03:36:06 pm »
Hi my name is Dan. I am not a electronics engineer by any means, but I am a huge into it. and do a lot of work with electronics. I do a lot of automotive electronics installs and repairs. 

Offline Tector

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2483 on: October 20, 2018, 08:02:09 pm »

Hello Guys! I am a student of Electronic Engineering at the Federal Technological University of Paraná (5th year) in Brazil, as a technician I worked with Clinical Engineering and electronic medical devices. I hope I can learn more from you!  ;)

Online Feliciano

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2484 on: October 21, 2018, 12:56:08 am »

I'm Feliciano. I've been studying electronics since I was 10, when vacuum tubes was still a subject with the 5-transistor radios catching up. I still love electronics, and I like DIY electronics engineering (i.e. creating/improving/repairing stuff) whenever I have some spare time. Lately I've been working my own LED bulbs, buck converters, power supplies, and such, (first at LTSpice then at PCB), though I work on Telecomm industry and teach at the University.

Google and Dave brought me here many times, so I decided to register to proper interact with you, people.

« Last Edit: October 21, 2018, 02:16:20 am by Feliciano »

Offline giskard

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2485 on: October 23, 2018, 10:55:44 pm »
Hello, I am a physician from Mexico, I have always been an electronics tinkerer. I am here to learn, get advice, share and just have fun. I am seriously thinking about getting an Engineering degree in the electronics field (EE or embedded), so any advice on that  would be great.

Offline Moonbase

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2486 on: October 28, 2018, 10:24:11 pm »
Moin! (»Hi« in East Frisian)

My name is Matthias. Before anyone asks, the nickname »Moonbase« is not from »Moonbase Alpha 1« but from »UFO« instead, a 1969/1970’s SF telly series and I’ve used it ever since. For a reason. Maybe one day I’ll talk about that.

By sheer coincidence, I landed on the third planet of a sun somewhere in the western spiral arm of a completely insignificant hillbilly galaxy, and consider myself a Terran since then, though some people – most notably my parents – insist in believing I’d be a British-German mix. For some obscure reason, I later got stuck in what they call a »country« around here, named Germany.

I’m kinda old fart (last 2 digits of my birth year equal my age in 2018, go figure!  >:D) that never lost the child inside.

I’ve been into electronics since I was about 8 years old, touched the hot cooking plate, burnt meself … and then disassembled the (electric) 4-plate oven to find out WHY.  :-DD That’s how my curiosity started, in short. I worked and tinkered around in electronics in the ’70s and ’80s and later moved on into IT. Some time ago, my love for the olden stuff crept up again and I’m currently playing around and rebuild my little lab again at home.

I’ve been following Dave’s YT videos for a while and decided it being time to register on EEVblog now. Well, here I am!  :)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2018, 10:27:58 pm by Moonbase »

Offline Crazy_Pete

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2487 on: October 29, 2018, 08:28:13 pm »
Hi all i am Crazy Pete,

May i introduce myself by bowing to my hosts?

>Hello, I am the stubborn girl with revolutionalizing tech dream.

Radhika, that is the COOLEST tagline i have ever seen! :-)   Dayshi lol!  (Beloved Sister)  Anything i/we can do to help you  realise that dream, i beg you to ask!

My background is that i originally got a degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry.     (That doesn't mean i am going to make meth for you, it is astonishing how many people ask.)  What that means is that i can take a piece of moldy bread and  turn it into penicillin.  :-)

I learnt C++ along the way and upon graduating got hired as a programmer and spent 20 years in the career.   I am very interested in embedded programming, have a several arduinos but i much prefer the ARM assembler.   I do strictly Linux and avoid anything involving Microsoft like it was an infection.  For all my career in Science, electronics was always my weakest point.   As i age (I am 56 now) i have taken up the electronics hobby just to exercise what i know to be the weakest part of my brain.   I really appreciate the astonishing amount help i have been given in this forum.


Crazy Pete

P.S. Regarding the profile Avatar: i grew that myself hydroponically, (It's legal here now)  We actually grow a wide variety of medicinal herbs here and using electronics for environmental data logging and control is a big interest to me.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2018, 02:47:36 am by Crazy_Pete »
Your enemies pray for a shovel but your own tongue will dig your grave... (Traveller Proverb)


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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2488 on: October 31, 2018, 04:06:17 pm »
Hi All,

I am Ajay. I am from India. I completed Engineering in Electronics and Communication in 2012 and  have been working in a Software company ever since, Now I am planing to brush up my electronics knowledge and requesting support from all of you.


Offline adamcord

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2489 on: November 05, 2018, 04:31:26 pm »
Hi all, I'm Adam from West Virginia, USA, studying electrical engineering at Case Western Reserve university in Cleveland, Ohio. I'm the hardware lead for our school's robotics club. Among other things, we compete annually in the NASA robotic mining challenge. I work mostly with embedded systems and control. I began watching Dave's EEVblog channel a few months ago, and have finally made my way here!


Offline rhodges

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2490 on: November 08, 2018, 07:07:45 pm »
Hi, Richard joining the forum. I got here indirectly from a pointer on the SDCC (small device c compiler) mailing list about the cheap Padauk controllers. Cheap as in N pennies each.

I looked at the PMS150C datasheet. It looks like 8048 and PIC16c56 had a baby. But it could be quite useful for a lot of things.

I am "semi retired" right now, but working on my own projects. I used to be a big fan of PIC, but a year ago I found STM8 and love it. Over the years, I have developed low, medium, and high level, but I really like embedded programming. Have a lot of years in 6809, MIPS, PIC, 8088, Z80, and finally STM8. There's a little 8048 in ancient history.

I have been writing libraries for STM8 to help handle various external devices and internal peripherals.

My best job was embedded MIPS for one of the first affordable (not $800 Acorn...) streaming video players, the PRISMIQ set top box. Got to work with the PNX1302 VLIW processor for video and media decoding. It was "only" 200mhz, but could dispatch five instructions per cycle.

Have a Tek 2465 and 465, but for some reason I am using the 465 right now...

Glad to be here!
Currently developing STM8 and STM32. Past includes 6809, Z80, 8086, PIC, MIPS, PNX1302, and some 8748 and 6805. Check out my public code on github.

Offline Kasper

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2491 on: November 10, 2018, 07:28:59 am »
Hi Everybody,
I'm Kasper. I live in Canada and I'm a big fan of this forum and Dave's videos. Specially the teardowns of modern electronics so I can learn some industry standards and do's and don'ts.

I got into electronics 14 years ago. Started with a technologist diploma then worked for a while then got an engineering degree.  Lately I have been HW/FW designer, QA, etc for tech startups making wearable sensors and I spend a lot of my spare time inventing little gadgets. I'll probably have some questions about them and will eventually be looking for reviews before I try selling them.  I also want to give back to this wealth of knowledge that I have been using.

Offline Jorge4563

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2492 on: November 13, 2018, 04:44:24 pm »
Hello everyone my name is Jorge, I am in 3rd year EE, I love it. This forum is awesome. I love repairing stuff and teardowns. I have been a Daves follower for years but now I decided to register in the forum.

Online NA5B

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2493 on: November 16, 2018, 02:12:54 am »
My name is Mehmet, NA5B from Washington DC area. I have been a regular follower of Dave - The EEVblog on YouTube.  I have been to this forum in the past many times as I searched technical stuff on the net but never tough of registering. (laziness) I got into electronics and making things way back when I was about 6 or 7. Primary interest is RF, I have a deep interest for digital communications. Love playing with test equipment and can do this all day long non stop! :-) I also have special interest of service monitors, spectrum analyzers, network analyzers, scopes, etc. and I spend my time at my home lab generally fixing things. Worked as LMR tech for many years for the US government and on military bases in various countries in the past.

I run a WebSDR server 24/7  in Washington DC area covering HF bands and VHF-UHF bands for those who are interested in radio listening. (can I put my sdr address here?) for HF bands and for vhf-uhf bands (PLEASE USE MOZILLA - CHROME HAS AUDIO PROBLEMS for now, they said they are working on it)

Attached is one of my benches at home for electronics hobby.

Thank you all. 73
NA5B - WebSDR (SDR) Software Defined Radio receiver server operating @ Wahington DC Area
HF Bands:

Offline benbradley

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2494 on: November 18, 2018, 06:44:55 am »
Hi, I'm Ben from the Atlanta area. I've seen Dave's videos off and on for years, and I especially appreciate his debunking of things like Solar Freaking Roadways.

I've hit this forum over the years from googling electronic part numbers, so I finally joined. I've been doing the electronic thing for a while - my father was an amateur radio operator and got me my first Heathkit at age 8. In college I learned machine and assembly programming on a KIM-1, and have been doing hardware and software design ever since.

Here's a project I made in two days - maybe I should set myself more deadlines, I'd get more of these type projects done:

Offline rokz

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2495 on: November 18, 2018, 10:04:37 am »
Hi everyone and thanks for letting me join.Based in Ireland/uk and been involved IT  for too long now and  started  interest in battery storage a few years ago of which i am finding very interesting.I  do sell a good bit of laptop battery packs ect so if any of you guys need any please dont hesitate.Somtimes get a bit stuck identifying battery packs and hope you guys can help !

Offline zetaerre

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2496 on: November 20, 2018, 03:53:18 pm »
Hi All,

I'm Roberto from north of Italy, 30 years experience programmer, all is started from the passion in electronics, first in HF then microprocessor.



Offline wkt

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2497 on: November 21, 2018, 10:13:28 am »
Hello everyone, I am Alexandru, hardware engineer, originally from Romania.
I've been doing a lot of personal projects for more than 10 years and have started working professionally for the last 3 years first in the automotive industry then commercial drone industry and now avionics.
I always had a small lab at home with soldering tools and test equipment, also a stock of components to create quick projects with microcontrollers and sensors.

Offline TonyTrupp

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2498 on: November 23, 2018, 03:53:58 am »
hey all, I'm Tony, been teaching myself electrical stuff for only about 6 months now, but David's video's have been a huge help, so wanted to get active in the community here. 

Offline Markino

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Re: New Member, Please introduce yourself
« Reply #2499 on: November 23, 2018, 08:28:58 am »
Hey guys, I'm Marco from Italy and I just find that great forum!
I'm sure I'll learn lot of stuff so... thanks in advance!

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