Thanks for questions. I've gotten the details, from page 122, for example. Please also see:
2nd. Edition 2016 Neuroscience for Dummies, by Frank Amthor...published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
I've been looking at this because of information of similar nature (I.E. retina / brain 'rates' equivalent 'bit rate' capacity is low). The YouTube presentations, by Shanhui Fan that I've been viewing discusses that 'information Transfer' rate issue in regards to optical / visual processes.
Please read, some arguments follow:
The book is mentioning having nervous pathways finely tuned, in length and thus finely resolved timing differences are present (in the structure) where nerve firing pairs can detect the simultaneous quality, ultimately being the audible 'paths' taken to each ear.
So, I think he is saying you might not be able to track the signals fast enough, but you can get a signal indicating 'simultaneous' arrival. Repeating that, for clarity, that means the sound wave path (lengths) are different, but then delayed precisely, by nerve path lengths, to have that detection window.
Of course, there are many of these 'pairs' for the sensing of horizontal direction.
Also, although I'm not so much interested in amplitude info being used, by the two ears for direction (azimuth or horizontal angle), but the system uses amplitude difference cues as well, apparently.
My main interest here, is the simple fact that, in spite of limitations, of continuous tracking detection, the sensing system tracks sound mechanically, but tracking is still accomplished,...just not continuous, with the audio waveforms. The spiral cochlea tracks the fast stuff, like 6 khz, but the nerve functions DON'T track in a continuous manner.
Ditto for visual functions, I'm thinking.
Another fascinating aspect, regarding 'data rate' equivalents is mentioned, in that chapter 6 (The Auditory System) is the lack of natural mapping, that the hearing system has, whereas the visual system naturally can map a coorelation between eyeball muscle positioning, and retina response to the different directions...that's two different elements that will be mapped in coordinated function. Thus infants have a natural correlated situation.
Other than that book, I'm using Professor Fan's video lecture, for the info, on Visual info transfer speeds or speed equivalents (bit-rate as Prof Fan liked to analogy).
Please see also:
YouTube Shanhui Fan 'Collequim' lecture.