Well, you could speak with the parents to bribe the kids with a weekly reward paid by you, but only if they don't stuff up.
But that's a no go if the noisy ankle biting nappy loaders are too young
People should wake up and realize it's a no win scenario when you shack up in shoe box housing occupied with shift workers mixed in next to stifled bored young kids
who should be in real HOMES with back yards to go ballistic,
not imprisoned in easy profit developers dog box housing
that dumbass parents got themselves herded into Trailer park is a better option if money is tight,
any drama call the live in supervisor/site owner to sort it out,
he/she will tell the kids
and their freakin dog to turn it down or relocate their activities elsewhere
and prestige can go to hell, along with snob family members and so called friends
backstabbing tards that may not comprehend your -affordable housing- choices
and desire to reduce debt, and put good food
and Shiraz/Chardonnay casks on the table
Asking P0lice here in Australia is a no go, they are too busy revenue raising on Jill and Joe Citizen for exceeding speed limits by 3 or 4 kilometres in big wide quiet SAFE streets littered with changing speed signs
Anyone on top of that situation gives their money instead to the local panel shop for tail gating accidents, due to observing the ever changing speed signs
and mobile phone and not paying attention to the actual road