I see no problems with Medtronics' files or motives. Looks fine to me. It's still intriguing to see documents for things like a hose cutter fixture - like getting a job at the place, except you can build it yourself if you want! They say they hope the design inspires innovation during this time, etc, so there's very little they can do to stop others using the design ideas, I'd guess the license is "best effort" to protect their domain when someone produces an identical copy. Releasing it is obviously a good idea to protect their market in a world which might be flooded with high-volume ventilator production pretty soon, and is also a Good Thing To Do.
The first pack has more than enough to guide a newbie manufacturer into production of ventilators, warts and all if they want. I was considering entering the schematic, didn't take enough notice of the promise to release all material, later I downloaded that, and there are the gerbers, solidworks files. This provides an enormous headstart on regulatory approvals, and above all guides a developer away from all the traps in setting one of these products up in short order (I've done it, but the detail is neverending). I'm confident I could make and sell a few (far too few to be any use). The turbine manufacturer is run off their feet - I was thinking a vacuum cleaner motor compatible with the drive board (a standard chip but not sensorless). But it's really an invitation to experiment a bit, with an assumption of competence.