The most important thing is not to overdo it, otherwise it will turn into a self-oscillating process and might even resonate, destroying industry further.
Don't worry: you gesture of not buying any of their stuff won't be noticed. It's so unnoticeable it won't even be noise within the noise of their small change. Which is how the likes of Facebook and Google get away with all the stuff they do - dissenting voices are swamped by those that just don't give a shit.
Me alone - definitely wont make even a dent.
But, industry is small enough to notice such things, if at least some percent of people listen and follow idea.
Especially it is small in specific fields. Seon with just 14K subscribers, number that look insignificant first, have huge importance on PCBA market - and turns out he can easily ruin PNP manufacturer business.
Also, people communicate, ask advice each other. Especially in quite conservative and careful industry like EE.
Another thing, guess what will be painful for the company. Lose 0.1% of hysterical guys who are constantly in conflict with everyone around them, demand to change everything for their stupid ideas, or lose 0.1% of real talents, enthusiasts who is calm, but its enough for them, and they decide of this stop, or they will find a more peaceful place.
If the choice is only losing that 0.1% of SJW bees who generate honey mixed with shit, then naturally the company will obey aggressive minority, as "others dont mind".
But when they know it is 1% versus 1%, then those who are more valuable are chosen, or they seek for some compromise, if it is possible.