MISO and MOSI are great names because they explicitly spell out the whole thing. MI and MO, or SO or SI would have been enough; or even worse, many others would have taken an assumed viewpoint (master, for example), like IBM did, allowing the wires to be just I and O - but Motorola thought, what the heck, let's be super explicit about it. I like that.
If you think about it, RX and TX are names that cannot be properly used between devices; they describe the device interface.
The IBM DTE/DCE nomenclature swaps the logic of naming when it comes to DCE, so now the device interface is misnamed, but this makes using "RX" and "TX" as names on the wires between devices, possible (with an implicit viewpoint of DTE). IMHO, this was a stupid decision.
I have not seen this elsewhere; for example, all microcontroller UART interfaces specify TX and RX in a way so they are out and in, respectively. This way, you don't need to configure the interface to be "DTE" or "DCE", but you need to connect TX to RX, and RX to TX (which is, obviously, highly logical and causes less confusion than the IBM's "sometimes connect TX to TX and RX to RX and sometimes connect TX to RX and RX to TX" logic). Some modern UART peripherals do have a mode of swapping TX and RX, but that seems to be to address for design mistakes without requiring PCB respins; because of the confusion initiated by IBM. SPI interfaces do not have such swapping features because mistakes are very rare thanks to highly logical and explicit naming.