My 'missus' actually wants me to get back to my Sim Hardware/Software while I still can! (Been busy on her needs/projects).
I have all (most!) of the Hardware, including yokes, throttles, pedals, displays, radio stacks etc etc. The 'difference' for me, is
that I don't just 'fly' as a game, but use all the relevant maps, comms, beacons, nav, radio equipment etc, to make it realistic!
I tend to stay with the 'basic' Cessna's, and have handled a few 'real' planes years ago. Years back, a family member who is
a professional pilot, took me up again, handing over the controls. He quizzed me on my Map/Nav/Radio/Beacons knowledge,
and then allowed me to do everything, to get back to the Country airport for the last hour, and then insisted that I land it!
(Of course he he could take over at any point, but didn't).
Perfect Maps/Nav/Comms/Glide-slope, flight-controls & landing. It's funny that I felt perfectly at ease the whole time, as I had
done it so many times before. It was a humbling experience...