it was not "allegedly" developed in Russia, I WAS, I've watched this thing go from hard to come by with the russians not being too helpful in supplying info (a large language barrier, plus just being funny) to it's establishment in europe, I can't speak for the more modern machines, it was taken from russia as one model and has been further developed but that was probably only in graphical output and overall control. You do actually have to learn to use one of these. The original developers carried out tests. As i said because people don't understand it they start making up explanations that start to venture into pseudo science, if someone had an atmel chip programmer their welcome to come and try and read the code off the two chips, I'd love to know whats in there.
As I said I've seen it perform and I'm no less skeptical than the next man. Unfortunately the european medical bodies won't take it seriously and test it, and to flip the coin, what are they afraid of ? if it is junk it is junk, but I don't think so. It's really funny that we as a being have survived relatively well for thousands of years and then all of a sudden when you think of it there are not many people left that don't take pills to make their live bearable if not survive in some cases.
As I said I've seen this machine from all aspects as a patient and treating family members, I can't deny what I have witnessed and if placebo explains it away well then, what the fuck are medicines for if the body is so powerful to not need them because "the idea" is enough to put into place life saving cures ?
oh and the russian goverment have nothing to do with it anymore, the scams that come out of russia are none existant babes that want to marry you not miracle health cures. Like I said i suspect the development of it was also cold war fueled when america and russia were racing to be the first to establish space dominion.