My PC has Windows 10 Home on it.
Tonight just after I logged on Windows during booting up, the PC showed a pure blue background without any icon, pictures, logos etc. Just one word in the centre with a blue background, saying "Hi". No it wasn't Dave.
A few seconds later "All of your files are left in exactly the same place"
Then maybe 30 seconds later "We have added new features"
Then maybe 30 seconds after that "We have removed aaaaa.exe and bbbbbb.exe because they will no longer run on this computer"
It is Microsoft trying to tell me what is good for me in their typical vague unhelpful messages? I would expect if Microsoft was professional, they would at least have a Microsoft screen or logo accompanying the messages, at least to authenticate who it was from. The last dodgy update released by Microsoft was on 10th May. That was nine days ago.
I don't know what features have been forced on me. I cannot run Control Panel to see what was installed. Clicking on it gets no response. Bitdefender and Malwarebytes picked up nothing. It is either Microsoft bullying its users into their way of thinking, the CIA up to dirty tricks, or some tosser in The People's Liberation Army hacking my machine.
Has anyone else experienced this invasion or hack attack on their PC?