Buying from a seller which offers tons of other (non-related/electronics) stuff is also a potentially bad sign.
If they offer a wide variety of related goods, imho they also tend to be more serious and has 'better' parts in general.
If the aliexpress seller has listings for 16bit DAC chips, door bells, handbags and bed sheets it's a good sign they don't really know what a 16bit DAC chip actually is. This means there is a extra high chance of mistakes in the technical listings/descriptions.
They may have added keywords that are incorrect and make you think you're getting something you're not.
And if they're that unfamiliar with the product they're more likely to buy fakes themselves without knowing.
This is why it's usually better to order from a seller that is only selling electronic items.
At least they're more likely to know something about what they are selling.
It's always good to look for inconsistencies in a listing, If the photo implies one thing but the description says something else do not buy from that seller. Find someone selling the item that seems to know what they are talking about.
When i'm looking for a seller to buy a particular item from i'm always looking for any reason to skip to the next, more expensive, seller.
It usually goes something like...
-Way to cheap. Next.
- WTF. Why are they saying this mosfet has a Rds on of 10V. Next.
- No specs listed, just a photo.. Hell no.
- 91% feedback rating, Nope. Next.....
- This looks ok. (Clicks buy)