Thing is, the guy "Stone", clearly likes electronics, and has certainly landed at the right forum to learn from the best (not me!).
He could improve his lighting circuits, and help to stop the spread of "free energy" bullshit that has effectively lied to him.
He could help stop being done to others what has been done to him (that sounded something like a "fart of god"!:P).
Swallow your pride Stone, it does you no good, it is preventing you from learning from these very intelligent and nice people here (again I am just about nice sometimes... my intelligence is still in question:P)
My most optimistic hope for this thread is that the reader, in this case, the guy who made the DC booster circuit, will learn not to come into a situation thinking they're absolutely right, and everybody else is wrong. That doesn't help anybody. I've learned that the most productive mentality is to consider, "How can I possibly be wrong in my assumptions, and does anybody (who might possibly be smarter than me) have any valid points to bring up, and how do those points challenge my assumptions?"
At the end of the day, you are free to reject others' critiques and criticisms, but only after you've carefully evaluated them and weighed them against the evidence and historical research. But if in the end you change your mind, then be grateful for the positive experience you've had benefiting from others' expertise! It's never shameful to be proven wrong! All real scientists will tell you that they
hope to be proven wrong! That's how advancements are made!
Apart from J-FET, MOS-FET and etc, now we have this around this forum, YA-FET
... (Y)et (A)nother - (F)ree (E)nergy (T)hread ....
I've also observed that the
only truly perpetual thing about perpetual energy machines is that the number of wacko's trying to achieve perpetual energy will
perpetually continue indefinitely!