My nephew had it done, and almost on the dot of 10 years he needs glasses, and his prescription is now very unstable, with him also needing eye drops regularly.
As to me I asked my optometrist when I went and got my test this month, and he also agrees that it is great for massive corrections, with a thick cornea to get it down to a thinner one, and to shape the lens to get the corrective lens down to something that you can do in glass or polycarbonate without having to use an ultra high refractive index lens just to get the mass below 100g.
My script is in Transitions II, expensive ( and i paid for it) but cheaper than the V3 now available. Got the lens down to under 5mm thick, if I had to get glass lenses I took the set he made with the setup frame, and those came to around 100g for the glass lens alone. I would need to have 2 titanium pins put in my forehead to hold that lot. Took the photochromic option as well, and the scratch proof coating as well. This holds up well, I barely have any damage on the old lenses, and I use glasses full time, and work in dusty, dirty and messy machinery. Plus they also act as some protection against eye damage. the frames fell apart from wear, and are no longer made. I must order a spare frame next time I see him this weekend.