Warning, this is a mini rant :-)
So I was reading the question and answer section of a recent electronics
magazine. The question was about building a timer that would provide
a 2 hour pulse. The questioner thought (correctly) that this would be
hard to do with a 555 timer. The timing capacitor and/or resistor would
have to be huge. Nasty problems with reliability and accuracy.
The answer proposed was to make the timing period much shorter,
add a 4000 series CMOS 12 bit counter, some logic gates to decode
the terminal count, etc.
OK, this makes sense and will work. But this is a solution which made
sense in the 1970's!
Today, I'd say you should use an 8pin PIC or AVR micro. It can monitor
one of its ports for the trigger, set another port active for 2 hours, count
down the timeout, then reset its output. Simple. It takes up no more
space than the original 555. Sounds like a perfect application for a
PIC10F200. If you pick the 6pin SMD package, it would take up no more
space than a through-hole resistor. Just don't drop it in the carpet :-)
Now I'm not one of those CPU nuts who thinks everything can be replaced
with software. There's definitely a time and a place for real hardware or
FPGAs, especially in timing critical or safety critical applications. But
a 2 hour timer is clearly within the capabilities of a simple micro.
So then the question is, why is this not a proposed solution? Let's look
at a few possibilities.
1) High barrier to entry
Well, you do have to buy or build a programmer, but the chips themselves
are cheap. But once you have a programmer, you have opened up lots of
other applications to you.
2) Reader not expected to be able to do simple firmware development
I guess this depends on what you consider the audience for your magazine.
I find it hard to believe that anyone getting into electronics these days
wouldn't get into at least simple programming of micros. Am I wrong about
this? Is there still such a big divide between hardware and software?
How can you be into electronics these days and ignore the rise of the
3) Timer needs to work on > 5V (or 3.3V)
This isn't stated in the question/answer, but you potentially have more
voltage choices if you stick with the 555 and 4000 CMOS logic. Some
micros today only run at 3.3V or less.
4) Answerer is from pre-micro days
Depending on how old the person who wrote the answer is, he might
be of the generation of jellybean logic and those solutions might come
more naturally. OK, but then should you be writing for a modern magazine?
OK, mini-rant done for this morning, thanks for listening!