I just want to share my frustration with the Australian government and Engineers Australia, I hope I'm not hijacking this thread.
Backstory: So, me, my wife and son, though it would be nice for us to temporarily relocate to Australia from Norway for a year or so. We have close friends in NSW, and visited NSW for a wedding there last year and we absolutely loved Australia! I'm an engineer, and my skillset/education is in demand due to shortage and on the Australian immigration office eligible skilled occupation list. For that and other reasons, I should qualify to apply for a 489 - Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489) - State or Territory nominated. (I think, it's a bit of a convoluted system)
So for that reason, I'm required to have my degree and my work experience assessed by Engineers Australia. Engineers Australia call this process a Migration skills assessment. (And here I though that that was what a university diploma was for).
One problem is, I have two degrees: One Bachelor of engineering (from a UK university - a Washington/Sydney/Dublin accord country) and one Master of Science (From a Norwegian university - a non-accord country). The fee for the accord one is 428 AUD, but the non-accord one is a whooping 795 AUD! So I asked Engineers Australia, under which system should I ask them to assess me? All I got was a bullshit pretyped response to read their documents and their website (like I didn't already!). They're happy to take my money thought!
Now that I'm reading this post, I'm getting more apprehensive. I need to be assessed to the level of an engineer to quality for a visa. My BEng is a three-year degree (are there even 4-year bachelor degrees in Europe?). In Norway at least, there is no distinction between a BEng and a bachelor, and they are all 3-year degrees. Further concern: I failed two subjects in my BEng (due to illness in my final year, but the uni let me pass because of overall performance), and I have an MSc instead of an MEng (Norway doesn't really distinguish between those two either). And if I want to appeal Engineers Australia's' decision, that's an additional 540 AUD!
And then I have to pay Engineers Australia 360 AUD to evaluating my work experience (Relevant Skilled Employment Assessment). And, since I've held a number of different positions, that outcome might not be in my favor either.
And on top of that, I have to get my English language skills assessed for another 500 AUD.
Only then (and by invitation from a regional government) can I apply for a visa. (Did I mention that the visa fee is 4'045 AUD?
Sorry for bending everyone's ear
The whole thing just seems like money-grabbing bullshit, instead of quid-pro-quo arrangement.