Throughout its existence, the TEA thread has had numerous excursions like this:
These discussions could get blown off course. For instance, someone talking about some swapmeet (a valid discussion for TE addicts wanting to find more) and an aside saying they weren't going because the road bristled with speed traps, became a discussion about the morality of speeding and the merits of digital vs analogue instrumentation and so on. Each contributor had a point to make they thought was valid and they couldn't resist making.
And I confess, I am guilty of having thrown my 2 cents worth into a couple of them.
Many such tangents are over in a handful of short posts, so are pretty much just noise. What has been notable is that discussions have moved on by either self-realisation or other members comments, where the transgressor has understood and accepted the truth of it. I've seen that repeatedly.
The problem came about from a combination of two things:
1. Excessive rambling on subjects well outside the realm of electronics.
2. Those responsible being selfish and ignoring requests to be more considerate.
The first of these is what brought the whole "off-topic" issue to prominence. For example, there were something like 4 pages centred on the subject of buses at one point and I can't tell you how much I wanted that to fade away. I'm sure many other members would have felt that way. Once that change in awareness occurred, then ANY off-topic material became instantly unpalatable.
The second is what lit the fuse.
For the most part, members have been able to get to a point where they step down from their soapbox for the greater good. Yes, they still may have a bee in their bonnet about something, but they have been adult enough to move on. IMHO, the escalation occurred because there were members who wanted to defend their position (and carry on regardless) rather than look out for the greater good.
I would also like to add that the whole band of discussion that is currently flying around citing chapter and verse on various interpretations is not very well grounded in the relevant facts - again, IMHO. The TEA thread developed a unique culture through common interests, time, interaction and finding its own way. Looking back at it all and trying to apply legislative thinking to something that grew organically will generate futile discussions and is just a waste of time. Fine for people who want to say something - but the fundamental problem there is trying to box up something that is, essentially, nebulous.
Oh - and if you are wanting to start jumping up and down about Moderation then I'll ask you to sit down.
The Mods had nothing to do with the root cause. They were presented with a situation which they were obligated to deal with. It's that simple.
We do not know the pressures brought upon them in the beginning - how many reports or other communications were made nor the content of such. I imagine there may have been everything from quiet requests to angry demands and personal attacks. But they then need to look past the emotion and work out how best to deal with the situation.
Some of you armchair warriors will have strong opinions on what should have been done - but you certainly will not have all the information and only a number of you will have the skills and, even less, the experience to act with any level of objectivity. Could the Mods have done things differently? Possibly. Could you have done any better? I doubt it ... and, yes, I know some will take offence at that - but they are the ones I wouldn't want anywhere near the moderator button.