Here is my $20,000,000 solution:
Actually this would make a fun eevblog video Dave hint hint
Well,first we start with the Fusion Reactor.......
We need a freq standard:
This got me thinking about a Josephson Junction that is needed to maintain the freq of the LED
(used by the US bureau of standards) takes a PHd to operate it, I think the US has two and China one.
Lets use round numbers - $10,000,000 for the freq of of the LED (includes the PHd). We now need a power supply and an university to assemble the power supply. Maybe we can get MIT to put it together.
Actually there is someone on this forum doing low temp freq standards !
So lets add another $10,000,000 for the power supply for a total of $20,000,000
Now someone has to furnish the power supply.
So I think for $20,000,000 you can get a LED to blink.
(I forgot the link to the $1,000,000 oscilloscope needed to test this unit)