A little update
Its a little overwhelming in scope. My friends father was something of a pack rat. I identified about a dozen TEK 535 and 535A, 533 and 533A, 545A, and a 531A scopes. Additionally several other boat anchors as well. All with carts and many plug ins. Next trip down I will bring one up slow on a variac and see if the caps are good. They have all been kept in a lab environment so all that would most likely be wrong is the caps, but my guess is they will come up. As for vacuum equipment there is so much it would take a week solid just to catalog it all. I found two whole genuine sealex machines and there are several Eisler sealers. Additionally there are 6 litton lathes, however those all have an active market sell for many thousands of dollars each regularly. There is one single evacuation system for x ray tubes that had 10 or 12 positions, each with a consolidated vacuum 2 inch diffusion pump and a welch 1400 and associated valves and even a little back out oven over each one that is on pneumatic lifters. I am going to do an in depth look at that system. there are also 10 various evacuation stations for small tubes, each that does 4 or 6 at a time. Most of them are still functional. Also there are 3 manual stations for exhausting large tubes 2 or 4 at a time. All 3 work as well. Those are the ones that I have been maintaining over the last decade or so. There are about a half dozen vacuum firing setups around the place as well.