Of all forums I know this is one of the smartest. It seems most of the time valid reasonable thoughts win here and the rest of the time it´s just fun. But what nationalistic ideology drives so many people to this china bashing?
Now, while there probably are people who are motivated by nationalism or racism when they bash China, and in particular when they bash Chinese people, I think it's too simplistic to attribute all China bashing to such motivations.
For example, I think that it is pretty obvious that faked components are primarily a thing coming from China. But that doesn't mean that Chinese people are somehow inherently dishonest and trying to defraud you. It might as well be that the Chinese government is highly nationalistic, one effect of which is that foreigners don't have the same rights in the legal system, which in turn allows the scammers scamming foreigners to flourish, where in other countries, the legal system would put a stop to that.
Though, if you look at, say, the repeated cooking oil scandals in China, this obviously doesn't affect only foreigners. Rather, you are just seeing the effects of an authoritarian government. Really, a lot of the not so great things you see coming from China can be attributed to their government and how it hurts its own people in order to stay in power.
So, if someone is trying to tell you that somehow Chinese people are inherently bad or incompetent, then that is obviously bullshit and should not stay unchallenged. But a lot of things that are commonly attributed to "the Chinese" really are effects of the Chinese government and how it incentivises or even forces certain behaviours. So, I think it is perfectly fine to say that you have to be wary of fakes when buying from China, and moreso than "western" countries in general. But at the same time, of course, when you buy chips from WCH through channels that have a reputation to lose, you will not be gettig sanded-down opamps labeled as microcontrollers, but rather microcontrollers of roughly the same quality as your average "western" brand.