You are going to learn more by reading many of the articles on capacitive touch screen operation on the net. Touch screens have chips that read capacitance between horizontal and vertical bands. These portions of the circuit or pretty sensitive. Also, the chips are programmed with offsets, based on surrounding structures and metals. Once you build a touch screen into a device, you sometimes need to recalibrate it and load different parameters.
It is educational to take apart a broken device and look at how the touch screen is laminated to the cover glass. (Be careful, when gorilla glass or dragontrail break, the shards are really sharp.)
The most likely scenario for failure in a device where you have a wandering touch is the conductor for one of the shifting axis is failing. For example, if the touch is shifting side to side, then plating or conductor for a vertical region is failing. Like many things in screens, it is not really possible to fix without really expensive equipment. And often not even then.