DSA815-TG (spectrum-analyzer) = $1500
DP832 (power supply) = 450
DG1022 (function generator) = 400
DM3058E (multimeter) = 470
Looks like a community college has better stuff than Cornell - over the 2k limit
I wondered what CC would have
I'm curious to know how these things work Global Specialties PB-507 for learning.
-- seems like these are too expensive for what they are. Also in a classroom, the students would have to tear apart their project if other students need to use it. Notice in the video only one is in use.
If you wanted to work through a text book for basic electronics (you know, the 500 page text book that goes from zero to opamps, simple rf, simple power supplies, didital logic, passing through MOSFETs and BJTs on the way) the I suggest you consider a. Digilent Electronics Explorer board.,842,883&Prod=EEBOARD esp if you can get it with educational pricing ($330) .
Interesting I am trying to figure out "whats in the box" ie how much is software and how much is hardware. Lots to study here -- thanks
It is a very nice all-in-one package for experimenting with on a small desk.
Is there any chance that you could post a picture of it in use?
Replacing the Tek TDS1002 with a Rigol DS1054Z (or two) would be a good start.
I agree about a 600 reduction
You and I think the same. First question what is ? Is it another Aliexpress?
I need to go through all your links one at a time.
Regarding the DSO112, I got one and was lucky to get it from Singapore so I got one with a battery. I really like it. I ran it through all the settings and compared them to my Rigol 1054 and all waveforms and measurements are dead on. I believe it was very accurate to 5 megs. I need to start taking notes, I am forgetting these things.
This is my choice for my $200 lab. I do not mention it here because low cost scopes are looked down on by people who do not use them. I wish people would not use the term "toy". I believe this has a use in a real lab for schools that cannot afford $2000 lab stations.
There is bad marketing on this because of the battery problems (cannot airmail it)
Nice component kit.
And use a locally found DC wall-wart power supply
I am going to use a laptop power supply but now I think I should have that version and one with a wall wart. What voltage wall wart were you thinking of?
OT: Humm, this looks like an interesting way to waste a Saturday -
I also have one of these kits, but I like the DSO112 so much, this one is on the back burner.
Probably no good for a degree level course (well not the full 3/4 years) but an Embedded Artists Labtool could be a good starting point for lower levels. Especially at 99 euros (about £75 or $115 US)
will take a look at this
A good Teacher, a collection of screwdrivers, and a tree to sit under. Students can find discarded equipment and bring it in.
Then to spurge,
soldering irons and solder.
and you're done. They can make the rest with a good teacher.
Boy - the first time I read this - this is what I thought it said:
Give some kids some tools and let them out at night to find something to work on !
I had to re-read this. And this is not a bad idea.
I didn't see one straight off, but searching may find one.
I need to spend some time here. I think this could be useful for me.
Oh here is one, a teacher for physics at the time of writing, this one is 44% funded.
Just to see how this works - I paid $25. Kiva charged $3.75 so the total was $28.75. The payment goes through Paypal and was charged. Now I have to see what happens.
I have heard of micro loans before but this is the first time I have seen one. Are there other micro loan sites?
I bet they got the Tek TDS1002 and STK500 for (almost) free and a hefty discount on the other gear.
Actually I think any equipment for a school will get a discount. I even got a PM from a company offering me an educational discount. But it was in the $1,000s (after discount)
Boy I thought I lost this - I better hit POST