Copper is toxic, in any larger than extremely small amounts. Always use rubber gloves (or tongs or for really small boards a bent piece of insulated wire) for etching/agitation, of PCBs etc.
The indiscriminate use of engineered nanoparticles in textiles is unwise. We have no idea what the long term health effects of many ENPs are. ENPs are biologically active in many cases because of their size, they can have complex effects when accompanying other environmental contaminants and the effect may be to entrain the immune system to mount an immune response against something inappropriate. Your immune system stays with you for life. Because of this immune system entrainment amplifying (there must be some word for it but I dont know it) /haptic effect ENPs may be an environmental nightmare waiting to happen. Is it really worth it to prevent having to wash your socks or underwear when you should with the biological equivalent of nuclear weapons for living things? We should consider that we don't know everything. The microbacteria that inhabit that space may be keeping something even worse away.