I have more information on the motherboard:
There are 2 chips with labels on top so I assume that those are the Bios chips. They might have different purposes.
The first one is labeled 8.06 and under the label I can barely read: 25Q064A 13E40
it is a 64MB Serial Flash memory. The weird thing is that the labeling of the chips is upside down with respect to the dimple to show pin 1 on the chip.
The second chip is labeled 3.16 and under the label shows: Winbond 25080BVSIG
Looks like an 8K flash memory and is too small for a motherboard bios.
When I turn on the computer it posts 8.13 so I assume that the bios chip is the one labeled 8.06
Next is to try to read it with the TL866A
I took some pictures of the Bios and the Clip that I purchased with the TL866A kit:
The clip comes soldered to a flat ribbon cable that ends on a flat ribbon connector that connects to the little pcb to a dip 8 to connect to the ZIF of the programmer.
Now looking at the picture it looks that there is a connector next to the 8.06 chip that says ROM Recovery
I measured continuity between the bios chip and the connector and only found 2 that worked, probably Vcc and Gnd
so if I want to venture in to the chip I have to use the clip. Time to get some zzzzz