resistor x Widerstand
capacitor x Kondensator
electrolytic capacitor x Elko (Elektrolytkondensator)
tuning diode / varactor x Kapazitätsdiode
thermistor x Thermistor (not used) / Temperaturfühler / NTC / PTC
posistor x PTC (positiver Temperaturkoeffizient)
MOV / varistor x Varistor
spark gap x Funkenstrecke / Überspannungsableiter
coil x Spule
choke x Drossel
blackbird x Amsel (that's a common joke, because "Drossel" is also a bird, same species as "Amsel")
inductor x Induktivität
transformer x Transformator
diode x Diode
zener diode x Zenerdiode
led x LED / Leuchtdiode
transistor x Transistor
SCR x Thyristor
triac x Triac
diac x Diac
optocoupler x Optokoppler
display x Display / Anzeige
screen x Schirm / Bildschirm
integrated circuit x IC / Integrierte Schaltung
processor x Prozessor
chip x Chip
switch x Schalter
button x Knopf / Druckknopf
microswitch x Mikroschalter
connector x Steckverbinder
socket x Buchse / Sockel
plug x Stecker
tube / valve x Röhre
CRT x Bildröhre
X-Ray tube x Röntgenröhre
potentiometer x Poti
shield x Schirm / Abschirmung
ground (GND) x Masse
safety ground x Erde
live (wire) x Phase
neutral (wire) x Null
full bridge rectifier x Brückengleichrichter
AC x Wechselstrom
DC x Gleichstrom
negative feedback x Gegenkopplung
positive feedback x Mitkopplung
I was working on a bit of German gear, where the schematic showed a circle with wires going into & out of it.
The thing was labelled a "Drossel".
The actual component was potted.
I assumed it was an Inductor, but all the other German schematics called that an "Induktivität", so I thought I'd better check it out.
My wife was born in Germany, but her Dad was Polish, & she was brought up using three languages interchangeably, ( or a mixture), so was no help.
I asked a lady at work, but all she came up with was the bird reference.
I went with my "gut", as logically an Inductor would be appropriate in that position.
It looks to me that the EE who designed the device was of an earlier generation, used the term " Drossel", as I might use "choke", & drew it as a circle in his original rough sketch.
The Draftsman was perhaps of a later generation, so no more idea than I of what a "Drossel" was, hence the mystery circle.