you are capturing at 2us/div (newfile1) and stop... zooming to 200ns (newfile0) and expect it to high fidelity? no, my scope did this too. the only thing you can get like in the (singleshot) is capturing and viewing at the same s/div, 200ns in your case. its digitized resolution issue, cant get rid of it.
Ehhh.... the 'singleshot' file was taken at 200 us/div(!!!), then zoomed in, so I could see the overview of the whole exchange, then zoomed in to 200 ns/div to look at the individual bytes. The key was setting the trigger to 'single sweep' instead of 'normal' or 'auto'.
Psi: It appears that, if triggering is set to 'normal' or 'auto', long memory isn't used at all.
I only get it to work in 'single sweep' mode'
If I set the timebase so it gives a clear view of the pulses during capture, and use 'normal' or 'auto' triggering mode, I can zoom out only one extra screen or so.
The pulses are 100 ns, one exchange takes 20 us or so, and two exchanges are approx 2 ms apart.
By starting at 200 us/div, my sample rate is 100 Msamples/sec, so I have 10 data points per pulse.
Then, I can zoom in to the level of singleshot.png, or zoom out so I can see the second exchange as well, and zoom in on that.
This is the way I expected long memory to work, but it would be useful if the manual would mention that it only works in single sweep mde.