Hasn't there been enough damage done to people's minds by characters like Douglas Adams and all those other weirdos over the decades we've had to tolerate pushed in our faces (who may be closet boozers, dopers, or dropped on kitchen floors as babies.. more than twice)
It's ok to point out the obvious such as he "Uncovered a fundamental principle of US politics, that anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." Any 12 year old studying history and politics can work it out and come to that obvious conclusion!
but did he point out how long this has been going on and WHY,
and a solution to get the right HONEST patriot to be allowed to do the job?
It's like the plethora of sore loser Trump bashers, what are they bringing to the suggestion table except lemming style dung flinging at the current PRESIDENT of their nation,
who has to pick up the pieces the last guy left him, and sort it out.
The 'last guy' that was in office for how long, and what was it he achieved?
Towel Day is SHEER BS, just like Mothers Day, Fathers Day and Any X Day that turns a fast dollar..
btw Monty Python isn't funny at any perceived level,
anyone sitting through such an ordeal with a blank look on their face is a NORMAL person,
and should be running for President