there is another side to this, if your quiet, if you get someone really social, you can get lucky and have them be out all day. some people are like that.
Sometimes the worse arguments can come from like minded people. Two people working from home might totally suck for instance. Like the guy that only comes home once a week when a girl kicks him out, and chances are he passes out walking through the door.
100% different from you but a great room mate
And for work, those people are more likely to travel and stuff, meaning more time alone. Like business people might be out 30% of the time on business. And the only thing they think about you is "at least its quiet in my house."
I think you need to be incredibly open minded about shared living arrangements, chances are, your not gonna find what your looking for. What you don't want is someone passed out infront of a bong in your house every hour of the day while "working"