Yeah it doesnt make sense. Most people buy a workstation for functionality. Apples response is "look at all the thunderbolt ports!". Who is going to be doing serious work with a bunch of equipment loosely connected cable connections, each needing their own power supply sources? That's the opposite of reliable, and only needed because the computer itself doesn't provide the functionality to begin with. Not to mention it destroys the compactness and efficiency they used to justify the design. Makes no sense to me. They had the design mostly right with the first gen intel MacPros imo.
It makes sense
only within the context I stated in an earlier post: They've designed the "new" Mac Pro as a dedicated pro video editing system. These days, film and TV production studios don't mess around with local storage. They use high-performance multi-user storage arrays (some Ethernet, some Thunderbolt) designed specifically for video use. For them, a high-performance graphics* node (which is essentially what the new Mac Pro is) makes sense. Everyone else is like "WTF??"
Indeed, one of the things I love about my 2008 Mac Pro is the bunch of drive bays, so I can have my boot SSD, my media hard disk, another with Windows 7 on it, and one big hard disk for automatic backup. And I do worry about what my next system will be, given that at 8 years old, it's entirely possible for this one to just up and die**. I guess I will be buying some sort of multi-bay external drive enclosure. :/ I've also considered biting the bullet with money I don't have, and upgrading to a final-model "old" Mac Pro that at least is a few years younger.
* But Apple hasn't updated the Mac Pro GPUs in ages, has it? Are the ones in it even that great any more??
** To this machine's credit, at 8 years old, with just some extra RAM, an upgraded GPU, and an SSD, it performs just as well as a modern midrange Mac. It's been an incredibly good value in the long run, and I've never had a computer as stable as this one. (The only true crash, as in kernel panic, I've ever had was when a RAM module died while the machine was running.)