I assume you mean DG1022.
Yes, sorry for the mixup.
Would you really recommend a $500 arbitrary function generator with lousy software support to someone just starting a lab?
Well, it is popular. At least that is what people keep telling me here when I say it is a PoS taking the whole package, i.e. software, support, function into account. And what are the alternatives? Certainly not the Atten AF20B / Siglent SDG1020.
In my opinion even a basic analog function generator with a few MHz bandwidth like the old Wavetek models would probably suffice, although DDS is so much better that I would spring for a DDS generator if it fits within your budget.
Since he is going to become an EE I would recommend DDS with ARB. Because if done right (i.e. not like in the Atten AF20B) there is a lot of flexibility and features to benefit from.
The GW-Instek SFG-1003
For me Instek felt from grace when they let us terribly down with a repair job. Not that I suggest you would get any repairs from Rigol or Atten, but Instek painted themselves as being better than the average Asian supplier. But if someone wants to go with them ...
I consider the DDS-3x25 more of a specialized device. It's not very convenient to use computer control for a quick measurement in my opinion, and the limited output amplitude can be an issue when playing with old 5V+ circuits.
It is the other end of the specrum, cheap. And like with the DG1022 people here keep telling me it is great and would kill me if I write it is a cheap PoS.