109 usd, details link:
https://www.ebay.com/itm/173839478443Frequency Accuracy At Shipment: ± 5E-11 (25°C), please check the attached test diagram(working 2 hours);
LPRO 101 clock is a classic product in the field, the most valuable kit for the electronic fans, even the others try to copy it, just like FE5682A, XHTF10034 etc, you can compare the KPI (aging tolerance of frequency, phase noise, MTBF etc), since the LPRO using the military class component in the key point, the KPI is best, btw, do not touch the XHTF seris (chinese made), the return rate may high since the clock's working temperature more then 70 degree (celsius).
will use the "ePacket" ship to following countries (can track, if not in the list, sorry can not send):
United States,Ukraine,Canada,United Kingdom,Kazakhstan,New Zealand,Japan,Vietnam,Taiwan,
Hong Kong,Thailand,Indonesia,Korea,Malaysia,Singapore,Saudi Arabia,Israel,Spain,France,
updated 1/June/2019:
we designed a dedicated PCB board, install of previous board, now no need do any soldering, already installed all components: