Okay.. so I got some of the stuff over the weekend and gave another spin.
The measurement setup is as follows ->
2 multimeters - keysight 34460a and fluke 8845, both set to 100 plc and 6.5 digits. readings were taken after allowing the meter to settle for a minute.
I used a off the shelf BNC to dual banana plug and connected 4 cables of 50cm length in 4W measurement mode. The cables had stackable banana plugs on either ends.
and these is what I measured.
Marked Measured
9.9997K 9.99653K
99.994K 99.7283K
1.00038M 1.00008M
and for some reason any measurement above that simpy reads around 5M.. no matter which resistance I try to measure..
I m almost certain the cable length is still a huge factor here and the BNC to banana adapter as well..
I tested it on both the multimeters and granted, I do not know anything about the calibration on either of them but they seem to agree with each other to a few (tens) of counts.
@Alex Nikitin any suggestions on what I can try to measure some of the higher ranges ??
I m reasonably happy with what I m seeing on the meters now, I m less worried about the absolute readings and more about the meters agreeing with each other, which they do. :-)
I just want to validate it on the 10M and 100M ranges and I will be relieved. :-D