For free. 7104 and 7834 scopes with lots of giblets. Includes many plug-in modules, two scope mobiles (Model 3 and K212), a C1001 video unit, and a bunch of other stuff. See pics. Gear is not working and is located near San Francisco. All were very well maintained throughout their life.
Longer Story
A couple years ago I was searching for an older analog Tek oscilloscope to dissect, understand, and hopefully repair. Basically an anatomy lesson. I found what I was looking for and much, much more. Long story short, I ended up “winning” a very large surplus equipment auction for a ridiculous amount of lab equipment at too-low of a price from the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose. Winner's curse.
I got what I was looking for (475A and 2445B), but ended up with way more gear than I could handle. I’ve given away much of the haul, but I have a couple pieces of equipment that I could not bring myself to part with because I wanted to find someone who appreciated the beauty in what I had mistakenly and undeservedly ended up with. For reasons I don’t quite understand, I didn’t want to give this gear to someone who was going to pointlessly tear it apart or sell it on eBay to someone who would act similarly.
As you can see from the pictures, I have many plug-in modules and some camera gear for these scopes. Everything is included. For the right person, the price=free and delivery is included to the 415 or 650 area codes. My professional licenses allow me to travel during this nuttiness, so that’s not a problem.
I am not knowledgeable enough to provide much information beyond what is in the pictures. Hopefully someone on this forum knows someone who is deserving of this gift horse. This might be a great project for someone who is hunkering down during this coronavirus time.
I genuinely appreciate the Tektronix legacy. When I open these old scopes, I am struck with an awe that reminds me of Persian rugs and San Francisco victorian trim -- truly remarkable creations made by an anonymous or near-anonymous guild of people that represent an era of hand-craftsmanship that has passed. As it is with victorian trim and Persian rugs, the beauty so transcends the utilitarian function that the old Tek circuit boards make me want to say to the designers and builders, “Oh, stop it. You’re just showing off now.”
Please think if you know someone who might be a good steward of this gear. I am not worthy. I have no urgency to part with this equipment, but it would give me great pleasure to find someone who appreciates these scopes.
I’ll try to answer any questions. I have higher resolution pictures if they'd be helpful to you. You can pick up the gear at my house (zip code 94901) or I can drop it off in either the 415 or 650 area codes. I am not interested in splitting up the lot and cannot ship. Thanks.