ManualLike new 1132A Differential probe amp + E2679A SE solder-in head and 2x 6dB 10 GHz attenuators (the blue probe tips are not included)
Compatible with the Autoprobe I interface (e.g. Infiniium S-Series, 90000A, 9000A/H, 8000A, InfiniiVision 5000A/6000A/7000A and 3000/4000/6000 X-series)
Specs from keysight:
Dynamic Range: +/- 2.5V
DC Offset Range: +/- 12V when probing single-ended
Maximum Input Voltage: 30V peak
Differential Input R: 50 kOhm
Differential Input C: 0.27-0.34 pF
Single Ended Input R: 25 kOhm
Single Ended Input C: 0.44-0.67 pF
600 EUR + shipping (20 EUR)
Bank transfer or paypal (please cover the fees)