Yes, I tried swapping the probes. Nothing changes, seems it's the scope input. Also, when I switch the probes to 1x, the form is the same, maybe 30% less overshoot. I have no separate generator, but when I use the scopes internal, I get slightly different result, but never perfect.
The internal source is intended for probe compensation and can suffer from considerable leading edge distortion without compromising this. But any source should display identically on every channel with every properly compensated probe.
I have very similar issue with my MSO7014, but in my case all the channels gives me the same result.
When tried with 50 Ohm input I got clean, perfectly compensated signal.
Ah-oh, that is not good. See below.
#nctnico suggested that this may be due to a crossover between LF & HF what kind of makes sense.
That could cause it however another source is "hook" from the printed circuit board substrate; see the linked article. (1) It could also be excessive dielectric absorption in a resistor or capacitor in the high impedance circuits. Shunt protection circuits, typically diodes, can also cause problems like this.
What is odd is that one channel does not display it. A channel should also not display this sort of difference between using a 50 ohm source and a x10 high impedance probe of suitable bandwidth; both should be identical except perhaps in bandwidth which is not a factor here.
I hope that this can be calibrated and not something messed up on a hardware.
There are no manual front end adjustments on these oscilloscopes, at least as far as I have seen, so it is unlikely and even if there was, this would not correct hook if it existed. The problem with hook also comes up with cheaply manufactured high voltage differential probes which drift out of calibration over time.
Just wondering if all MSO5k / MSO7k have similar compensation signal issue.
I suspect this represents a poorly specified design or quality control failure which will vary significantly between production runs.
In principle (if there can be a simple answer ) is this a serious issue, or I'm just overthinking around it?
How serious this issue is depends on your application. I would not accept this poor level of performance on any oscilloscope and none of mine have had it except when the high impedance printed circuit board before the impedance buffer become contaminated requiring cleaning and a bake out.
The reason I suggested using a faster source, ideally a reference level pulse generator, is that it might reveal more about what is going on and the difference between the good and bad channels. The oscilloscope's built in calibration output is only fast enough for compensation adjustment which is *not* the problem being displayed.
At this stage we're only looking at compensating the probes. We're not looking at rise times, ringing, or anything else.
Compensation of the front end high impedance attenuators and low and medium frequency compensation can make use of the same compensation signal used for attenuating probes. They are all in the same frequency range.
The compensation signal on the front of the 'scope will be designed for zero overshoot, not for any other characteristics.
Often the compensation signal is not even designed for zero overshoot because high frequency content is irrelevant to low and medium frequency compensation. The compensation signal however is designed to be very flat and have very low levels of tilt which is actually not as trivial to do as it seems because of saturation and recovery characteristics in semiconductors. (2)
These days it is pretty easy to get it right with CMOS designs. The symmetrical output and what appears to be a first order response in the example you posted indicate a low impedance CMOS switch output driving an RC network to limit bandwidth and transition time which is a great way to generate the needed signal.
(1) The PDF is too large to include as a forum attachment so here is a link: A current switched design using switching diodes should always work to produce the perfect output signal for probe compensation, right? Wrong! Some 2 nanosecond switching diodes inexplicably suffer from recovery "tails" which is process dependent so you have to qualify the 1N4148s or whatever to use in this type of circuit. CMOS outputs made this type of circuit easier. With some care, it can also be done with bipolar outputs or a linear output stage.