Its funny to read US people going nuts about a german name.
We all knew how good they are in pronounceing german words
Ok, try to pronounce "Oachkatzlschwoaf" correct.
Or whats about: "Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitänsmütze"
The fact is:
Allmost none of the native german speaker would even think about fussing arround about the pronounceing of some english speaking people.
And when theyre try to pronounce it correct, there is even less reason to do that.
Whe have that manny german dialects which sounds like a complete different language.
Thats the reason "Hochdeutsch" (standard german) was developed.
Without this, there would be no way, someone liveing in the north of Germany would be able to understand someone from the south of Germany.
To understand someone from Austria or Swiss would be even more impossible for an north-German without standard German.
So: Keep cool, think technikal and get back to your solder iron, multimeter, mill, drill press, ....