Successful boot, and firmware upgrade with the right env vars, and boot from NAND!!!
Thanks so much for all the help!!!!!!
Also did a rough calibration with my bench top PSU, should be good enough for most of the stuff I do usually do with my scope.
(yes, I am aware that probe comp needs some work)
It is still still complaining about a few things, but I'm sure I'll be able to do something about those. Also, nice bandwidth. Either way, I have a working scope now.
I guess next up is trying to get some of the info on that screen correct, and then, of course, to do some hacks :). (Also, I broke off the power button from its stem at some point, but I'm sure I'll be able to figure something out to fix that.)
Either way, kinda out of time to work on the scope today. Will look into it more later.
the power button bit of plastic apparently just fits snugly in its place, and works just fine even when not physically connected.