At the embedded world yesterday I was told that in a couple of days there will be a new firmware for the Non-EDU versions to increase waveform update rate to 200.000 /s and to always enable serial decode/trigger!
Now I'm waiting quite excited to finally play with the serial options on my 1000x
I just checked the release note and the free serial decoding seems to be only for the 1200X models purchased after March 1, 2020:
Serial decode and trigger is now standard for DSOX and EDUX models purchased on or after March 1, 2020, with the following exceptions:
o DSOX1204AmodelswithaserialnumberlessthanCN59356100willrequireserial option license(s) (D1200EMBA, D1200AUTA)
o DSOX1204GmodelswithaserialnumberlessthanCN59357100willrequireserial option license(s) (D1200EMBA, D1200AUTA)
Increase in wfm/s:
200,000 wfm/s for DSOX1200 and 100,000 wfm/s for EDUX1200
The 1000X firmware release note does not mention anything about changes in the serial decoding or screen update rate.