I have almost complete schematic of main PCB. I don't found more hardware differences. I add missing trigger and generator components and it is work. I change resistor divider on main board to have ID 24. I don't change resistor dividers on BLT board, so I have DSOX1002G with 70MHz bandwith. Scope passing user calibration.
**** External Trigger Level ****
/1 Trig B1 = 5303.000, B0 = 35789.000
/5 Trig B1 = 1071.000, B0 = 35789.000
/1 Trig 2 B1 = 17283.000, B0 = 28593.000
/5 Trig 2 B1 = 3492.000, B0 = 28593.000
**** CAL PASSED **** Time: 2 seconds
I'm going to make some test with wave gen, because I don't know the right values of capacitors and inductors.