So many comments, on the pre-existence of solar roofing, on the efficiency of the tiles, of the issue with installation, that there better ways to capture energy by using water, of the issues of costs, that it is not fully green. The thing he announced is not related to any of those comments. What he announced is a fully integrated system that (mostly) becomes self-sustaining personal supply of energy. It has nothing to do with low cost as he is appealing, like Tesla (for now), to deep pocketed people, and to whom aesthetics is a major concern. He is not concerned with tile efficiencies, because he has their mammoth roofs to work with. He is not concerned with material or installation costs because a premium roof already is expensive. What I hear is the ability to never waste time going to a gas station, using a car with less complexity and therefore better reliability that refills itself, making driving an almost inconsequential electrical cost that doesn't degrade the environment (as much), making solar broadly available to a multitude of home uses so that it becomes personally economically feasible, and maybe the ability to stop subsidizing electrical infrastructure and nuclear power plants for heavy users like heavy industry and commercial, and just maybe then reducing the human energy footprint on the earth. Ultimately, he closed the day/night/storage loop with these tiles AND Powerwall (not possible separately), making it economically possible, meaning maybe someday never having to attach or having to have a grid at all.