Electrical supply has multiple challenges.
1)Most of renewable energy are not stable in term of electricity generation. Exception - hydropower, it is plainly perfect. Solar has issues at cloudy weather, winter, night. Wind - depends.
(Battery storage of energy economics/longevity/environmental impact are terrible, molten salt for solar/hydro storage is much more promising)
2)Some supplies has drawbacks, for example some nuclear power cannot change output enough fast for fluctuating power consumption during the day. (not load following) Some are load following, but cannot compensate enough fast events such as "TV pickup".
This means you need some very quick "maneuvering" capacity, and if you don't have hydropower, this means thermal plants (gas/coal), just to supply enough energy to provide sufficient power.
It is serious problem, and very interesting indeed, i suggest read about TV pickup in wikipedia.
Supplying energy from other areas has it's costs as well, because of transmission efficiency, line cost, fault tolerance questions and etc.
So i believe it will be bad choice for current moment to be 100% renewable in countries who doesn't have enough hydropower, without having alternative ways to store energy. So only they can brag, when they have enough output at day from solar, that "waw, at current minute we are 100% renewable", but at evening, while demand much higher and there is no solar, they are burning coal like hell.
I believe proper smart grid will help a lot optimizing consumption at low supply periods.