Evolution is a fact, not speculation.
Life did not start from evolution. Evolution is the process that explains the diversity of life we have now.
Evolution does not describe, nor attempt to describe, how life started. That is another completely different field. Nobody knows how life started, but the evidence points to random formations of molecules arriving at a form where self replication was probable.
The Universe started from a state of infinite density, not from a point. This state changed rapidly from expansion and caused the Universe that we see today. What happened before the big bang is beyond our current understanding at this point just as was how the diversity of life came about before Darwin made his observations.
We have discovered, using science, that we still need to learn more about our Universe and that we can directly observe only 5% of what exists. Other methods of observation from new technology might reveal what we have not seen yet, just as Galileo did with his new technology.
God(s) are only talked about, asserted, and believed in without any evidence such as has been used in the things mentioned above. No evidence, nothing, just believers and their books written by believers.
God(s), or more correctly the belief in them, are probably the result of evolution. If you didn't believe there was an agent making that crunching sound in the high grasses near you, you became the meal of a tiger. If you did believe there was an agent making that sound and acted to avoid the agent, you survived and so you would be able to have descendants. Better to believe in agency even if there isn't any so you would survive just in case there really was some.
Belief without evidence is irrational. People have a capability to compartmentalize beliefs if they seem to contradict reality. Maybe this is so that they can survive among the others who believe who might think that the lack of belief is dangerous to the group. "Hey, Joe didn't tell us about the tiger noise he thought he heard when there wasn't one. We all run at any noise or when we see someone else running. Joe didn't react and so maybe he is a threat to our society, kill him so he can't be a cause of a false sense of safety. "
If you can't show it, or evidence of it, it isn't real. Sure you can believe in it, but keep the belief to yourself and stop trying to make other believe in something you can demonstrate. Even better, stop killing people because they don't think women should live in bags, or that you should stone a man to death for gathering sticks on Sunday, or that people can't be good without believing that a God made a clone of himself, then killed it, and then made it come back to life and disappear. All this to save his beloved minions from the sin he created knowing they would be sinners and need to be saved from his perfect plan. Ooops plan didn't work, kill everyone except 8 people by drowning all of them, babies, tress, everything. Perfect plan didn't work again? OK, make all man speak different languages so they can't understand each other so they can't be closer to God? Oops, didn't work again... OK, wait till Jesus comes back in 20 years! Ooops, OK 1000 years! Ooops, hmmm, sorry, God is a little busy, he will get back to you soon........