I left for a while, but this thing just keeps going doesn't it?
I think when I left off, fungus had given me the burden of proof again. And then he went on to claim faith in the scientific method. And then he went on to say that theories are not proven and can never be proven, just supported or not supported by observations.
I guess what I've been saying the whole time is that my observations support a "theory" of God. Is it possible to disprove that particular theory? Well, you can disprove parts of it. But as fungus says, I can just change my theory. You know, I can think of other theories that are the same way. Multiverse theory, evolutionary theory, origins theories. In fact, until things just fly in the face of a popular theory, it has staying power. Why was I taught Newton in an age of Einstein? Well, because it's useful and it makes correct predictions about experiments and life. Why do I hold to a "theory" of God? Well, because in my life it's useful, and it makes correct predictions about moral judgments and relationships.
So, I guess if I were to give a proof, I've given about 4 at this point. Here they are again:
1.) Given what we know about atoms and energy, the probability of life springing into being is near zero. We are here. Therefore something beyond atoms and energy made that happen.
2.) Living things appear to be designed. Other things that appear to be designed were engineered by someone. Someone engineered living things.
3.) The universe obeys an ordered set of laws. Without an overarching power to put order to these laws, I shouldn't expect an ordered universe. There must be an overarching power.
4.) There is a correct method to making relationships and moral judgments. Without a creator of moral rule, anything goes. There must be a creator.
I know for certain people here will disagree with these and any other proof I would offer. However, to the degree that I know that gravitation exists because of the trajectories of things falling and the orbits of the planets (due to repeated observations), I also know that God exists because of the trajectories within the interaction of living beings that I've observed. I know of no other explanation for my existence that has come out of scientific theory. I know of no other explanation for the rapid spread of Christianity in the first century, the strong conviction of the first Christians, or the impact following God has had in my life or the life of many of my friends. Maybe none of these are sufficient reason for you, but they sum up to a genuine belief on my part. I could lose that belief and rely on scientific conjectures and "unprovable theories", but frankly, I just don't have that kind of faith, and I have no reason to do so.
I think with that, my opinion has been stated. I'm still open to the opinion of others, in so much as we leave the bashing of others out of things. If you'd like to talk further, feel free to message me. Carry on and I wish you all a good rest of your day.