Thanks a lot for helping in giving me a headache .. Because of you I went and watched couple of their videos, I had to stop watching their last one after 9 minutes because the amount of the stupidity and BS gave me a headache .. They guy claims to have 500 patents and goes and uses a Volt axis to plot a current curve!!! Then uses that support his claim .. The Y axis is volts axis you idiot .. You can't plot a constant current curve on it then use the area under the incorrectly plotted curve to represent power!!! Anyone with basic electrical knowledge knows power= V*I, that guy not only ignored that to support his claims but had the nads to put it on video for everyone on this earth to see.
Thanks a lot Dave , you know you are helping them indirectly too .. The more you refute their claims the more curious people get to watch their videos, the more views they get, the more money from YouTube they get. Maybe that's part of their plans .. I don't know .. All I know that I have a massive headache .. The stupid hurts my brain.
Keep up the good work!