Athiesm is the disbelief in god yet no one can actually 100% prove there is no god. On the other hand no one can prove there IS a god.
EEVblog should be a place to get away from all this crap, why even mention it.
Since you mention it. Thiesm is the belief in a God, or Gods. Athiesm is simply not that. Is that actually the same as a disbelief? There's an argument for another place. Trying to settle that question takes you towards agnosticism.
It is the same as disbelief. If there was no religion, Athiesm would not exist. If the initial basis was that there is no higher power, calling yourself Athiest would not make any sense. Athiesm solely exists because there is religion, meaning it is the idea of proving the other side wrong, which is impossible.
I agree with wilfred; Atheism is NOT an "active" disbelief in God, and does NOT mean that the person wants to prove the other side wrong. Trying to prove something is related to gnosticism, meaning that "you" know that god does not exist or "you" know that god exists, depending if you are a Theist or Atheist (gnosticism comes from the word meaning "knowledge").
An atheist is simply a person that is not actively believing any God, it might for example be because no one has ever introduced the concept of religion to that person, which means that the person has nothing to prove/disprove or disbelieve in the first place.
There is however a small minority of atheists who make quite significant noise in debates about religion, which probably confuses people to belive that all atheists are militant opposers of all religions.
But most of all I strongly believe in the statement Armxnian mentioned
"EEVblog should be a place to get away from all this crap, why even mention it.