Good find, but likely, it's not the master processor, the 8048, but the slave processor, the 8041/8042. The pinout is quite similar - and we get the following connector pinout:
- Arduino 2 = /CS (Pull low to activate the interface)
- Arduino 3 = /RD (Pull low to read data from the 8042)
- Arduino 4 = Address (often 0 = 'data', 1 = 'command')
- Arduino 5 = /WR (Pull low to write data to the 8032)
Yes, that makes more sense. Taking another look at the still image of the PCB card edge connector it looks like the control signals from the card edge connector go to pins 6, 8, 9, 10 of the 40-pin microcontroller.
With the standard 8049 pinouts that would be:
Pin 6: /INT (input)
Pin 8: /RD (output)
Pin 9: /PSEN (output)
Pin 10: /WR (output).
The direction of those signals wouldn't make sense for the usage scenario here.
With the standard 8042 pinouts that would be:
Pin 6: /CS (input)
Pin 8: /RD (input)
Pin 9: A0 (input)
Pin 10: /WR (input).
The direction of those signals does make sense here.