G'Day folks. New-to-the-forum-guy here, but not Electronics.
A couple days ago I stumbled across Dave's video on the switch-mode 23 LED B.S. thingy. Your style hooked me...
Following Dave's links, I read the first thread with ManOfStone and balked at reading all of this thread, but I stuck with it like a trooper 'till the very end only to find out that DaveWing was killed!
Well, I'm crushed!
Those two guys:
http://www.despair.com/believe-in-yourself.html Seriously, I was interested in seeing how it turned out, but when DaveWing kept throwing in a change of subject I got bored with a lack of any progress (teachers hate that). I think it is that some folks feel superior when they can string others along. Either they think TV reeks, as I do, and need a form of entertainment, or gain a sense of perceived self-worth stringing along folks smarter than they are. ..."The Sting".
[I don't troll YouTube, but I will occasionally explain things and, yes, I do stoop to a, hopefully clever, wisecrack @ times ... and, yes I was recently accused of being full of myself for wanting to explain things well.]
http://www.despair.com/pretension.html Anyway. it kept me from wandering the streets for the last few nights.
Excellent video, BTW Dave. A pleasure to hear another engineer on YouTube talking sense...and I did feel your pain of frustration. That type of discussion is the only thing I miss from working (Motorola 36+ years; Navy Tech 3yrs; eHobbyist ~59yrs ).
Until I stumbled upon a few YouTubes about a year ago, I hadn't known that the free energy universe was so ...stupid? ... and hadn't heard of things like the Joule Thief and the likes of Thane Hines...sigh. [BTW I've designed REAL PWM motor drives]
Many years ago, a tech in my lab wanted to rework a small 4-cyl car engine to run off compressed air so he could run a compressor on it to re-fill his tank...sigh.
Yes, patents do not have to 'work' they only have to be 'novel'. My son's a patent attorney.
I did, however, get some good entertainment out of this thread.
RE: Hydrawerk and the guy with the cooled monopole magnets and "magnetic particles" moving in the magnet... Things a fourth grader would think.
I recall a few of my grade school misconceptions. I was affraid that the 1A of a nice 12V 1A power supply would blow the snot out of a little one transistor oscillator that only needed a few ma. Then, a friend wondered why in the heck would anyone want an amplifier with less than 100% efficiency. After all, the whole idea of an amplifier is to get more out than you put in...right...?
That three battery thing from DaveWing was hilarious. "Split positives" & Power lost to ground. What a hoot!
My current Quixotic quest is the limitless number of wrong videos, papers (some by PhD's) and lesson plans that "explain" the "Bernoulli Principle" and Lift. I got three removed so far. Side hobby.
Some call it pathological science, my term is Lemming Science. My other son is an Aeronautical Engineer. (yes, he *is* a rocket Scientist) AND Pigs Fly Just Fine With Enough Thrust.
[and, yes, I know the lemming story is an urban myth created by Disney, but nobody else does].
(other quests: k9dci.home.comcast.net)
Very experienced EE, teacher and Technical / Science Advisor @ Challenger.org. I may poke my nose in other people's business here once in a while...
'nuf fer now, Cheers, Steve
... Story for my students: I used to say that 'I know everything.' A good friend took me aside and said that I should soften a little and develop a little humility. I thought about it and changed to saying that 'I know everything, except how to be humble.'
A while later, that same friend praised me for changing my mantra and, thus, showing at least a little humility. Cool ! I could say that 'I know everything.'