I disagree, I believe your argument only applies to for instance application binary files that can only run natively for specific OS or processor.
Java files are platform & hardware independent yet the .jar files are never published into a git repository because they are the compiled form of the source.
Another good example is dogygen documentation, this is a platform independent HTML output generated from comments in code. The doxygen comments are stored in code, but the generated output is never put into the git repository, as it would be pointless to do so. If you want the documentation, either hope that the developers have published it somewhere (just like a PDF schematic), or generate it yourself by running doxygen on the top level directory.
frowned upon because after all that goes against open source
Incorrect, binary form does not go at all against open source, what does is when the source to that binary is not available.
Git is a source revision control source software, it is to help maintain versions of software files. Git does not mean open source.
I never said it did, I even stated that even in closed source git repositories that pushing binaries into it is generally frowned upon. It is source control, in this case the source is the schematic file from the editing package, not the PDF, the PDF is the result of the source and can not be edited/updated/modified easily, just like a compiled binary.
The main reason why this is not done is to prevent duplication of useless files that anyone with a little patience is able to generate from what is available. Having to maintain both the source file and remember to also update the compiled/generated form on every single change doubles the work and risks inconsistancies.
And finally, what if you have a PCB version V1.0, and the schematic gets revised 100 or so times before it is tagged as v1.1? The developer/manufacturer needs to take a copy of the design files, generate a static PDF or whatever, and package it up outside of git for v1.0 boards manufactured from that exact revision of the schematic. A git repository is a moving target for developers, not end users.