Has anyone actually done a working prototype of this, by working I mean that all the parts that are suppose to be in it actually perform. Ex: the solar panels. The current setup they have does not even work up to their basic specs lol.
I was thinking it would make a fun project to build a small prototype in small scale just to get a real world example of performance when all the components actually work. What I'm thinking is a wood insulated box about 4 inches high, maybe 1 foot by 1 foot, with a removable glass top. Inside right up against the glass would be a solar panel or cells, inside would be the charge controller, a battery, small heater, and a raspberry PI to oversee everything. Maybe some LED strips going around the solar panel or something.
Goal would be to stick this outside on top of the snow. (these -30's would be a perfect time too in order to show real world situation and not ideal conditions) The RPI would monitor the whole system, such as plot outside and inside temp, solar voltage, battery voltage and other potential data and basically see how it performs. My guess: poorly. But would be fun to do just for a proof of concept.
I don't really want to spend much money on something like this though, but I wonder how many people would be interested in this especially general public that still think the system might work.
As a side note how well do discharged gel cells do in -40? Because this experiment would involve that.